sebenernya males juga nge-posting tentang unnie satu ini tp demi teman gua yg slalu mengejek gua n pelitnya minta ampun akhirnya gua putuskan untuk nge-posting tentang BoA unnie.
BoA's performances at the MTV Iggy studios from last fall will finally be released! A little late but MTV's informed me that the 1 hour special will be totally kick ass. We'll let you know when the full episode is out. For now, here's an exclusive teaser from MTV Iggy only for allkpop.
kalo mau liat videonya bisa liat di : http://www.mtv.com/overdrive/?vid=356331
oiya ni jadwal rlis: March 25 - Girls on Top video release
April 1 - Entire 1 hour special release
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