On May 30th, SS501 plans to travel to Hawaii and spend a week there... not for a vacation, but to attend a fan meeting event and hold some promotions. After their stay in Hawaii they plan to come back to Korea for a few days before heading off to Thailand on June 4th. Again, for fan meeting and promotions. After Thailand they'll come back to Korea and then in July they'll be off to Hong Kong and Taiwan to promote their concerts there which will be held in September and October. After that they'll be head to Japan to promote their Japanese album release. They'll also hold a concert in Japan on August 13th.
Woo, a lot of traveling for the boys. No rest, they just got back from Los Angeles and there's no downtime for them. Not too long ago, SS501 served their fans on an airplane as crew members. Well, they won't be serving anybody anymore but it looks like they'll have to get used to spending a lot of time in the airplane. Hopefully all the hard work will pay off for them.
credit: allkpop
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