The remarkable thing about Tango is the fact that Gu Hye Sun did the whole book from start to finish while she was working on the drama Boys Before Flowers. Even if you didn’t watch the drama, like me, you probably still know that most of the main actors, especially Hye Sun, had very short breaks in between filming. Hye Sun had barely anytime to sleep let alone write a book and draw illustrations. Some of you hardcore F4 fanatics might feel a little relieved that Hye Sun was spending her off time working on her novel instead of hanging out and flirting with your precious F4.
Here are a couple of Gu Hye Sun’s illustrations that caught my eye:
I wonder if Hye Sun’s lack of sleep influenced her drawings. There’s no doubt that her drawing style is a little on the abstract side of the art scale. If you’re interested you can see more of Hye Sun’s illustrations on Gmarket’s website.
I think artistic women are attractive and I’m impressed by Gu Hye Sun’s artistic skills. She definitely gained a few points in my “lovely ladies” scorebook. Some of you may know from one of my previous articles that I’m a master artist myself. I graduated at the top of my class from one of the most prestigious art schools in the world, Charlie ChoadLicker’s Academy of the Arts. It’s strange though because pretty much everybody I know has never heard of Charlie ChoadLicker’s Academy of the Arts before. With his early morning bottle of Mad Dog 20/20 in one hand and a smoke in the other, my art professor would remind his pupils at the beginning of class that we were attending one of the best art schools in the world, and we believed him. He would also ask us all for spare change once class ended. The most eccentric teachers are always the best. Anyway, I just finished another one of my masterpieces and all you lucky AKP readers get to see it first. The title of this piece is, “The Inebriated Blogger.”
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