For the underage girls reading this, shame on you, this is not how you should be discovering puberty. For the underage boys watching this, shame on you, this is REALLY not how you should be discovering puberty!
Do U-know about Yunho's Yunho? Well, you're about to because U-know Yunho just redefined what it meant to be a member of DONG bang shin ki. I guess little, or rather large, Yunho was finally tired of hiding in the shadow of Yunho's pants, and finally came out to say "Hey! And you thought Yunho was HUGE in Asia!"
Girls, please have someone nearby ready to do CPR before you see the next part. Guys, well there's nothing wrong with admiring God's fine work, just make sure no one is around when you do it.
Exhibit A:
you don't even know how many times I had to watch that part to make this screen cap. Oh the things I do for allkpop.
And for those that wants to see this in motion here's Exhibit B
Exhibit B: The magic happens at 2:51 into the video
And Exhibit C
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