
Chae Yeon is Definitely Returning Sexy 5393 Views |

Chae  Yeon is Definitely Returning Sexy
Singer Chae Yeon is too old to be returning with an exceptional sexy image.

Chae Yeon, who's famous for her "sexy waves" and is sometimes even called "sexier than Hyori", will be releasing her new album this May. She originally planned to make a comeback in late February or early March, but there was a delay. But the delay of two months is not the problem, it's the delay of the two years she was not active that is. Chae Yeon, who's 30 and turning 31 this year, might be too old to be doing her sexy waves. I'd say at this age, she should just ditch the sexy waves and go with the real waves. It's time to retire, move to a deserted island, and take on surfing with the real waves for the rest of her life. Okay, I'm kidding, she's not that old, and I must admit, she is pretty awesome at dancing. And her fashion style has always been great.

Like coolsmurf reported before here, Chae Yeon was originally supposed to take on both a sexy and cute image, but will only concentrate on a sexy image. Thank you. Can you imagine a 30-year-old woman trying to act cute? But I'm sure it would pass, because she is absolutely stunning for her age. Chae Yeon's focus will be sexy and will mostly be expressed through her dancing. A representative stated, "At first, the original plan was to show both her cute and sexy charm, but sexy seems to be her biggest charm," so, "in order for Chaeyeon to look sexy on stage, the dance and stage direction is being most focused on."

Chae Yeon was named the "sexy star," after her debut song "Dangerous Direction (aka Dangerous)" and other popular hits, "Da Ga Wa (Closer)" and "My Love." It's good to see a celebrity who sticks with one image, as there's too many artists and groups that jump from cute and bubbly to sexy and daring. As for Chae Yeon who started out with a sexy image, let's hope she never takes that path to Cuteville. Because if she did, not only would it be a "dangerous direction," it would be a wrong one as well.

Chae Yeon is Definitely Returning Sexy

I'm curious to see whether she will make it or not - considering the world is full of old byunts, it might be hard for a 30-year-old woman to make it big, when there are a bunch of 18-year-old girls prancing around in mini skirts. I'm kind of hoping she'll do well with her comeback and show other artists and groups what "sexy" really is. But if Chae Yeon comes back with an over-the-top sexy music video like her old ones, I'm sure she will see to a ban real soon.

Here's her old MV for "Two of Us" which was popular back in the 1500s days.

One of my favorites from her, "Third Love." It has an awesome beat.

1 komentar:

  1. you are a douchbag and really really retarded the one who wrote this crap. how does she look old. being thirty aint old is 10+10+10=30. you sounding as if she is 5o or 60. i think you are just jealous of her. you loser
