
Kara Embraces Pretty Girl

Ever since Kara stopped promotional activities for Honey, they've been laying relatively low with the exception of their MBC Every1 Idol Show. However, there is good news for Kara fans as they are the new image of Ecorre's cosmetics. By new image, I mean the only image because if you go to their website, all you see is Kara. Though I must warn you, that site is for girls only and is rated NSFM (Not Safe For Manhood), because the amount of pink on that site will surely raise suspicions if any guy is caught browsing the page.

This is the whole shebang with photoshoots, and an accompanying CF video. The CF itself doesn't do much to advertise the product, but fans of Kara will not care because you get to see the girls just being pretty. Although this would've been even better if they had modeled for Ecorre during their Pretty Girls days, as the concept would have match perfectly like 2NE1's Lollipop CF forCyon's phone.

Here's the CF.

Park GyuriNicoleHan Seung YeonGu HaraKang Ji Young

Kara Embraces Pretty Girl

Kara Embraces Pretty Girl

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